List of things i'll do before i die

  • Go skydiving
  • Bridge jumping
  • climb a mountain
  • Travel around the world
  • Enter an OT
  • Make a difference in something

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

U gotta help me!!!

OMFG!!! I need help 4 my nursing home project!Everything is easy except for the activity part..Im having brain freeze and cant seem to think of anything..And thank sooo much guys for not supporting me!!!Its okay i can do this. Im just being a freaking bitch right now and cant stop moaning about it.Need to get a grip,,girl!!So here are the details 4 the event!
Time = 9-12
Venue = Lovely Nursing Home [meet at my house and we walk there!]
Activities = Ice breaker
= pass the message [acting!]
= story telling / psychology session
= sing-a-long session
=wishes via balloons / paper lanterns
So, yeah! Thats all i got!!I just need 15 people to attend this!So please if u r leo nd from my sch lets make this happen!!Think how happy the old people would be!!
ps: watch mamma mia! the movie..It was fab!!
-Toodles, Sabrina!-