I officially watched twilight!!Owh and i just realised stephenie meyer was inside it and esme is the woman from grey's anatomy..Anyway,jian nee,sam,khai and me watched 2gether..Quite sad coz they cut a lot of scenes..And the cinema cut the kissing scene.I was lyk wth??!!But anyway i saw that part in the video so it doesnt really matters..Then, jian nee and i watched Quantum of Solace..They gave us the kids tixx so we just need 2 pay 5 bucks each..I mean lyk omg!!Do i look that young??!!Well, i prefer twilight though coz its TWILIGHT!!!!Well, going 2 the camp 2 mrw...OOh and i watched Romeo and Juliet the Leo/Claire version the other day..Realised that its kinda same as twilight..U know the name Rosalie and the part where Edward wanted 2 kill himself when he thought Bella died..That kinda stufff...Anyway. i want them 2 remake twilight laa..And follow exactly the book but its impossible....And i heard they're making new moon so lets keep our finger crossed!!!
-SaBrina!! XD-