List of things i'll do before i die

  • Go skydiving
  • Bridge jumping
  • climb a mountain
  • Travel around the world
  • Enter an OT
  • Make a difference in something

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A prayer spoken

Results are out!!!

I would like 2 congratulate all the PMR candidates that scored well in their exams..But for those who didnt do well, its okaay..Try again ,its not the end of the world...

Anyway, i would like 2 thx my god 4 making my wish come true..


Next, my parents,teachers,cousins and friends..

Last but not least my three best friends that i study with last minute..Remember b4 all the papers how we reminded each other everything..


Monday, December 29, 2008

wish me luck..

Tomorrow's the BIG day!!

Good luck 2 all PMR candidates that are going 2 take their results!..

-Sabrina! xD-

New sTuFFs.


My parents are back from Haj,so the freedom are kinda over but wtvr i learned a lot of stuffs while they are not here..I hang around with people who were like completely different than me..I learned a lot of new malay words that i dont use and people actually looked at me as if im a typical malay..And i did used the public bus without my parents but with 2 guys that i just met 4 few days..Owh, and that reminds me that Hafiz still owes me a bottle of sanitizer..Anyway although people looked at us as though we r typical i have to admit that i did have fun.Their lame malay jokes actually cracks me up.To sum it all I did enjoyed myself with 'operating' Lea's foot, hanging out in front of the lift at night, hanging out at the swimming pool/see saw/play ground, and hafiz's Lame KaMbIng jokess...

Last but not least,u know what they say..masuk kandang kambing,mengembekkk..........

Sabrina! xD-

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Sigh-ing post

OMFG!!!!Im damn lazy to update this blog....Anyway, I have nothing 2 say about my life rite now..Practically the same thing every day..Hanging out and stuffs.Btw, i kinda lost count on how maa=ny times i watched twilight.Thxx 2 my cuzzies la!!DAmn addicted 2 twilight..Owh i did went 2 this gig which was horrible.The band was called 'Hujan'??!!(wth??!! I know!)I have never heard of them before.But apparently my cuzzies did and they were soo happy.I was lyk so lost there.I mean the guy wasnt even singing.More likely shouting the words..And there was a lot of lame boys doing shuffle and stuffs..Omg sum1 tell them that shuffle is lyk soo NOT cool..


I want i-phone!!!!!!!!!!Soo unfair..A lot of people are using iphone,kay!!(ie-most of the people in wildchild,Jesse Mc Cartney in his 'Its over' video clip, chuck,Raden and sooo on!!)Its sooo unfair la.....Me want i phone!!

I know i sounded soo spoilt but its sumthing that i really want but i cant have it!


Whats up with my cuzziees..They called me 'mat saleh celup'.I mean wth!JUst because i dunno a few malay words..SOoooooo racist.


Im kinda worried about my PmR results la...Im not hoping 2 high coz i dun wanna be over confident but it would be quite sad if i cant score it..My parents are like expecting me 2 get straight A's since my bro only got 7..


Its almost the end of the year!!!!Im gonna be f4 next year..Sooo not fun anymore!!Im 1 year older!



Friday, December 5, 2008

Im soo tired!yesterday just went back from the camp..Now i need 2 pack my stuffs 2 go Kuantan 4 5 days.Parents not home need 2 do everything..Update about the camp when i have time later.....

Friday, November 28, 2008

I officially watched twilight!!Owh and i just realised stephenie meyer was inside it and esme is the woman from grey's anatomy..Anyway,jian nee,sam,khai and me watched 2gether..Quite sad coz they cut a lot of scenes..And the cinema cut the kissing scene.I was lyk wth??!!But anyway i saw that part in the video so it doesnt really matters..Then, jian nee and i watched Quantum of Solace..They gave us the kids tixx so we just need 2 pay 5 bucks each..I mean lyk omg!!Do i look that young??!!Well, i prefer twilight though coz its TWILIGHT!!!!Well, going 2 the camp 2 mrw...OOh and i watched Romeo and Juliet the Leo/Claire version the other day..Realised that its kinda same as twilight..U know the name Rosalie and the part where Edward wanted 2 kill himself when he thought Bella died..That kinda stufff...Anyway. i want them 2 remake twilight laa..And follow exactly the book but its impossible....And i heard they're making new moon so lets keep our finger crossed!!!

-SaBrina!! XD-

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Guess what??!!!!

I watched twilight d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, i watched half yesterday and the full 1 just now..It was okaay..Prefer the book though.I think the best part was starting from the baseball scene till the end.The earlier part was kinda let down coz they cut A lot of scenes from the book...Well, whatever though..Not bad after all...Gonna watch it again 2 mrw in the cinema..If u want 2 watch it by the comp..Here's the link..

It have a lot of new shows BUT the quality is a bit off..Not that clear but at least its something right??!!!


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

im back!!!!!

Im back from Kel!The place was amazing but nothing 2 do...Most of the people think im Singaporean??!!!Well, im f 'ing proud!!At least i dont really loook like a typical Malaysian..We didnt need 2 wear tudung during the whole trip(thxx god!)..Took lotsss of picss..Lazy 2 upload it.After Kel we stopped by at Terengganu..Went 2 this place called "masjid Kristal'!!!!It was damn NICEEEE..Since it was a mosque we all decided 2 wear and Tash did this new style of wearing tudung..Its lyk we wear the tudung with our fringe outside!!!Seriously, we were high through out the trip..Now im packing 4 the Ns camp..Owh and my parents are going 2 perform their haji this year..Soo 30 days without parents!!!!I felt kinda bad coz im not going 2 send them coz of the camp..but too bad!!OWh and iM going 2 Watch twilight!!!!!!!Not sure when coz im having this kenduri 4 my parents on 27th and im leaving 4 the camp on the 29th..My bro suggested that i go and watch with him in the midnight show..Well idc!!!I just wanna watch it!!!!!!!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Yellow people!!!
I haven’t been blogging 4 a while(5 days!)Anyway, here are the updates....

Lovely Nursing Home 15 Nov 08
Cant really sleep the wholee night.slept at 11 pm.Woke up at 4.00 am.Slept again at 5.30 and woke up AGAIN at 6.45...Exhausting..So it was like quite boring that place.we went there by foot and cleaned the place..One of the old guy was kinda funny though.he was lyk scolding every 1 nd stuffs.Took picturesss. i’ll upload it l8r.. Need 2 write a report 4 it.IhavEnooIdeaaawhat2write..The good part was our sch and Taman Sea people are equal..7 each..thk god!!If not it’ll be v embarrassing.. Mostly they do the job and we sit to watch the, do it..
Thats all i guess..Dang..I waited 4 this project 4 soo long but it turned out quite boring..


Jian nee ur such a bitch.U didn’t even call me 2 tell me ur not coming.Like sms-ing me the next day at 2 am really helps...

But don’t worry coz ur MY i don’t mind and yes, u suck like my other best friend ALICE CHEW ENG KIT!!!
Whatever happens....
I still luv u guys,kay!! But now i luv lum more coz she supported me on my first project..Its okkaaay though...U guys are still my girls,,kaay!!!


Pavilion KL 16 November

Went pavilion 2 day..It was quite nice.Bought a new casing 4 i touchy...Then ate at Dr M’s cafe The Loaf..Love the food there!!Then, at night watched Nanny Diaries.. Quite okay, i guess..Nothing special.Ur typical American movie.But the fantastic 4 / Sunshine guy was kinda hot!!


OooooH..CooL!!!Did sumthing New 4 the FiRst time in My liFEEEE>>. 17 Nov 08

As u guys know, i worked in my dad’s office..Guess what i did?? I wrote 9 chequesss!!! I know im v ulu and stuffs but its the first time I wrote a cheque..And now i know how much does my father makes 4 a living..Its about RM *** ***.**....Whoops>!!!Its confidential and im NOT supposed 2 tell any1..Next time , people!!Went Mr Loh’s tuition..He was in a bad mood..Kept scolding this little booy..Soooo, i , as usual VVV KPC wan..I went and looked at that guy’s work And of course after that i kept giving him the answerrrrsss...Wrinkle guy(Adeline!!) was there. He was quite nice.He asked me ‘which sch’.And i was lyk ‘Dj’..He was lyk ‘awhhh’..So i said ‘u.’.He said ‘wes -sumthing-methodist school’..So,me was lyk ‘ooohhh’..Like as if i know that sch or sumthing..He was ‘owh,u know the school???’And looked kinda surprised ..So I was lyk ‘yeah kinda..I think sooo..’ Actually i have no Idea.But hello, i know Methodist right??My mum bought an oreo-cheese cake!!!I was like OMGGGG!!!!


18 Nov 08

Didnt went 4 work 2 day..I wass tired okay..Went back frm mr Loh lyk 12 am..My younger bro have his drum exam 2 day..Level 5 ...Good luckyyyy...My elder bro had his graduation 2 day 4 his ausmat course.. lucky you!!!Next year ur flying 2 Aussie all by yourself!!And,yes, i heard of ur plan 2 catch the girls there with ur bimbo friendsss...Well i know u worked hard 4 this year..Remember 2 years back,we let mummy and daddy down by getting 1 freaking B 4 the freaking government test??!hahaha..This year its payback time!!!U studied hard!!And im sooooo proud of u!!!Although occasionally u make a detour and went 2 pyramid instead 2 watch a late night show..(dont worry! Iwont tell any1) but still u tried right?!!! I want 2 go 2 ur grad laaa... Okaay..Now im off 2 watch 90210 and then Grey’s anatomy!!!!!!

Till then,

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


wooahh..My dad just bought a blackberry BolD.. So me and my'jakun'-ess was lyk admiring the phone..Exactly lyk the celcom advertistment..Now, my mom got my dad's samsung and since my current phone sucks lyk hell i got her phone..Not really a fancy phone..But its only 1 month old..Anyway the awful part is my bird-brain elder bro sud want an i-phone..Like hello,can somebody tell him that i have been obsessing with it the whole year d..Ask lum she knows all about it.Whenever i moan ill be lyk damn i want an iphone!!!well, now mayb my dad gonna get the i-phone but not for me but my evil bro..Soo unfair..His reason was lyk im gonna go Aussie next year,i need the internet and bla bla bla..Owh u can have my sonny ericson phone..My foot!!!i dont want ur damn SE phone i want an iphone..I dont care..ur going aussie and should be grateful enough..Stop pushing ur luck dude..I need 2 suffer and stay in this bloddy country..My life is damn unfair.Stay in Malaysia and doesnt own an i (freaking)phone.
Like what Jacob Black said[act wat Stephenie Meyer wrote/quote..whatever!],
"Life sucks.And then, u die"

hopeless and insanely pathetic

My attempt 2 change this blog's layout totally failed..Took me almost the whole day 2 do it but stil cant manage it.Im hopeless and insanely pathetic..(wow!what a word.)2d day of work..Still boring..My dad said wait till her secretary comes back and i'll hv lots of it. im crossing my finger 4 that.1 thing i cant stand is just sitting down doing absolutely NOTHING..But thats what i do nowadays.Damn lifeless..Trying 2 get people 2 come 4 the project..Now i know how Lum feels everytime the DJROA thing(note 2 self: help her next time!) my family is damn random..Yesterday, my younger bro asked me was it pain 2 pierce my ears..I did it a long time ago so i cant really remember..So, i said they shot my ears and the next thing i know im crying..Then he was lyk ,oooh..they shot ur ears??cool.Then i was lyk yup, they shot me but im still here 2day.See how cunted i shot twice but still alive.Then we cracked up lyk maniacs...We r lyk soo weird laa..My life is soooo slow..Me wanna go skydiving..Or at least base jumping..Im craving 4 the adreneline rush!!owh and cant wait 2 go kel next week..We chartered a bus 4 the whole fam so u can guess how big my fam is..I counted that theres around 28 of us..Im in charge of the medical and safety stuffs..So im gonna do the head count and if sum 1 got injured i need 2 be responsible 4 it..Damn fun!My mum was kinda shocked when she knew i was supp 2 do the medical stuffs..She doesnt have faith in me .When i told her i am a red crescent member she was like right,,im sure u know what ur doing..and show me the i-dont-beleive-in-u-at-all look..Haiz..People need to trust me moree.Have faith in me.I know i talk crap a lot but i know what im doing... waiting 4 another app. 3300 more sec(55 min) 2 go home..

ps: Jian Nee i DO NOT have a crush on Yip,kay..Hes lyk soo gay and fyi he air punched me..

pps: I need another 11 people 4 the old folks home trip!

Lots of lurve
-Sabrina!! XD-

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

First day of work!!

yes, at last i got a job..Where?My dad's office..i know its NOT cool but at least its a JOB...Yesterday Alice nd Lum called me.They just finished job-scouting nd sounded quite high!Soo funn..Anyway, my job is err..sumthing lyk auditing/odd jobbs..Not sure..But 1 thing 4 sure is that i feel like a fraud..I mean wth am i doing!?I just sit down,attend their meeting(listening while not listening!), and go on9 + update this blog!!OmfG!!i dunno what im doing!my boss is my dad...Thers no work 2 do.Its lyk sooooboring...I hope the pay is high considering that im wasting my 'precious' time of my life!! Evry 1 update ur blogs!!at least it'll kill time!ZOMG!!2day is only my first day and im already complaining.WtheCK is wrong with me...
Wasting the time of my life
-Sabrina!! =[-

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yip Jun Wei.

Okaay..Here's the post i told u that me gonna write about u..Sorrry, its lyk 1 day late plus u should be grateful that i actually took my time 2 think 2 write sumthing 4 u..I have a million other thing 2 do(ie-obsessing over 90210,Grey's anatomy,twilight,i-phone).Anyway, found the definition of insecure d.Insecure-not firmly or reliably placed or fastened.get it!!I know it doesnt really make any sense but yeah..

First of all, girls are NOT weird..U dont understand our behaviour so thats why u say its weird..anyway, i think its quite lame+ boring if u repeat something over and over again.So if u didnt hear the first time, forget it!You would not hear it again.Thats why u got the usual answer-never mind,whatever,nothing..Well i know u have hearing difficulties but thats TOO BAD!!

what else can i say about u??!!

Owh..Stop being soo vain!!IT makes u gay!thats why the first time i see u i thought u were gay.Not exactly THAT type of gay but u know the every girl's best friend type of gay..okay..And be more 'man'.Jumping around is not cool.

Now enough about the bad stuffs lets go to the good 1..U cared i gues?.Urm..and ur nice sometimes.and u accompany me in mr loh's tuition and u love ur gf!!.owh and ur tall..its a good thing although u always compare ur height with mine.

thats about it , i guess..Actually i have no idea what 2 write..anyway , so this is a blog and a blog is where u write stuffs..its the 'in' thing right now, kaay??!!Stop being soo noob about everything.Ur a guy,keep up with the new things!! =]

Ps: i wasted 15 min of my life 2 do this 4 u!

-Sabrina! XD-


Went 2 Mr Loh's tuition on Tuesday..Cant believe he actually remembered me!Anyway mod maths quite easy..its lyk factorisation only..Owh and im supp 2 do a post 4 Yip since hes quite noob about this stuff..Owh! btw, congrats 2 barack Obama 4 winning the pres of Us post..Hope u really make a different.Act its quite unfair coz people cant say bad things about him(Obama) coz hes black and any bad comments are considered as racism.But they always trash Mc Cain coz hes white so its supp 2 be okay. See the irony?!Well, actually i dun really care coz everything is not good enough in life..I mean we always want something more ,right?!Well ,we just need 2 wait and see 4 MR."yes we can' !!

OOh..this are 5 reasons why Obama won

Nov 5 2008-Barack Obama decisively won the presidential election, for many solid reasons and due to many factors, including weaknesses of his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain.
This article enumerates and explains five top reasons why Obama won win the 2008 race to become the 44th President of the United States. ________________________________________________________
Reason #1 - Empathy and Genuine Help for Middle-Class Americans
Barack Obama "gets" what it means for a family to worry financially, to work hard simply to make it, and to do without essentials.
Obama was born to a teenage mother, abandoned by his father at age two, and raised largely in a small apartment by his middle-class grandparents. At one point, Obama, his mother and younger sister relied on food stamps to put meals on the family table.
Michelle Obama, close counselor and best friend to her husband, and her brother were similarly raised in modest circumstances in a one-bedroom apartment on the south side of Chicago.
Both Barack and Michelle Obama speak frequently about what it means for middle-class Americans to be at a disadvantage financially and otherwise.
Because they "get" it, both Obamas refer with heartfelt eloquence to middle-class fears, including to:
-the climbing unemployment rate
-the staggering home foreclosure rate gripping the nation
-crashing 401(k) and pension plans, leaving retirements in limbo
-4 8 million Americans without health care insurance
-high percentages of public schools failing our children
-the continuing struggle of middle-class families to balance work and parenting demands.

In vivid contrast, John and particularly Cindy McCain exude an aura of financial insularity and well-heeled elegance. Both were born wealthy, and have been quite wealthy for their entire lives.
When cornered by Pastor Rick Warren several months ago, John McCain defined "rich" as " I think if you're just talking about income, how about 5 million."
Middle-class anger is palpable about economic fairness in these unusually tough financial times, and subsequent to what many view as President Bush's $700 billion bailout of rich Wall Streeters, .

Reason #2 - Steady Leadership and Calm Temperament

Reason #3 - Fair, Cost-Effective Health Care Insurance
Americans were finally fed-up enough with the unfairness of health care delivery in this country, to be ready to make the issue a priority in selecting a president.

Reason #4 - Withdrawal of Combat Troops from Iraq
(i guess even i would 2 support 4 this.)

Reason #5 - Joe Biden as Running Mate
Sen. Barack Obama won the presidency in part because of his wise selection of highly experienced, well-liked Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware as his vice-presidential running mate.
(i dont see how this help..But thats what they say..)

So, that's something 2 think about..
-Sabrina! XD-

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Watched Sunshine again!!!!Totally reminded me of lp's video clip- Leave out all the rest!!Damn
nice the movie..Made me think about the world and stuffss..Then i watched premonition!!!
AmaziNG!!!!Hahaha i love every movies i watched!!But premonition is sad + shows me the real
meaning of love.If i would ever fall in love..I dunno why coz im a bit sucker for the love thingy
but yet i dont believe it would happen 2 me..Owh and i do believe in love at first sight but only
not to me..Its okaaaaay i would learn 2 love sum1 when i found my edward ritee??!!I always
have this conversation with Bren and Priyia...Pri thinks im 'lucky' coz i wont fall 4 any1 lyk the
way she did..But i dont think soo..Its quite sad not 2 like any 1!!I felt lyk im wasting my high
school years!!but whatever me gonna study till i got a Dr. in front of me so dont have time 2
think about love stuffs!!owh and i watched a new twilight scene..The cafeteria scene..Sooo nice!!!!
Cant wait for the movie..
-sabrina! xD-

Saturday, November 1, 2008

31 October 2008

Okaay lets go back to yesterday!!It was quite fun + sad!!The sad part is because now is in Nov
so im probably need 2 start the tuition..Still cant believe i've finished the god damn PMr..Soo sad
laaa..And u know 4 malays 2day its d last day 4 raya month!!-_-..anyway the good part is its
hallooweeeennnn..Me and jian nee went and watch 2 movies.Eagle eye and Hsm 3..Both vvv
good show...Love the song and choreography 4 hsm3 !!Owh and guess what?!!Every1 ffk us so
we ended up watching with each other! the days that pass by is damn fast la!!I just want it 2
stoop 4 a while..Me dont want 2 go f4 yet!!The pleasure of add maths , physics and chem...I dont
want it!!!owh well its not lyk anything i can do with the time...i was watching tv (as usual) and i
heard this song by sp called generation!!Sooo nice laaaaa!!Not sure wether its a new song or
what..But I dont think soo coz im quite ulu and yeah...
Anyway, my current obsession is grey's anatomy!!!I used 2 watch season 2 but not anymore coz
i got Mr loh's tuition on Tues so i dont really bother but then i watched season 4 and it was lyk
AWEsomEE!!!They r all resident doc now!!So i wanted 2 watch season 3 then i went and sign up
4 the abc channel or sumthing lyk tat..But apparently its only for viewers in US..Like damn
unfair..Malaysia v ulu laaaaa.In Us they started season 5 already but we r only starting season
4..Damn depressing!!Well, another reason in the list of why malaysia sucks and i hate it soo
till then, Toodles!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

U gotta help me!!!

OMFG!!! I need help 4 my nursing home project!Everything is easy except for the activity part..Im having brain freeze and cant seem to think of anything..And thank sooo much guys for not supporting me!!!Its okay i can do this. Im just being a freaking bitch right now and cant stop moaning about it.Need to get a grip,,girl!!So here are the details 4 the event!
Time = 9-12
Venue = Lovely Nursing Home [meet at my house and we walk there!]
Activities = Ice breaker
= pass the message [acting!]
= story telling / psychology session
= sing-a-long session
=wishes via balloons / paper lanterns
So, yeah! Thats all i got!!I just need 15 people to attend this!So please if u r leo nd from my sch lets make this happen!!Think how happy the old people would be!!
ps: watch mamma mia! the movie..It was fab!!
-Toodles, Sabrina!-

Saturday, October 25, 2008

OpEn hoUse!!

Did my raya open house today..Okaaay i guess(xp)..As usual took lots of pics...So, let the pics speak 4 themselves/itself i dunno...!!

ps: Got the right arrangement at last, Lum!!!

-Sabrina?! xD-

Thursday, October 23, 2008

One Utama..

Ponteng school 2 went 1u 2 day..Quite fun.Bought lots of soft toys 4 jian nee's 5 years old cousin.(still cant stop OMFG-ing!!)She spent lyk RM 100 ++ 4 it.Then, lum bought some picks 4 her monkey-boy.The guy in the shop was damn straight-forward!!Quite insulting in a way..Anyway went and watch The House Bunny..Funny!!The best part was theres only lyk 3 of us in there so took pics and talk loudly..Overall, not really that bad for a day!! =]

Jian Nee!! Lum and sabrina!!

Lum and jian nee.. Jian nee and sabrina..

Lum!! Act lum doing the peace gesture
and me doing the hsm but too bad jian nee cant
take a good shot (jk!)

Lum and sabrina The advertisment The empty cinema nd lum's foot(=p)

Ps: I totally sucks in this thing so the arrangement of pic is quite off..sorry!!'
Toodles (i seems 2 lyk saying it)
-Sabrina! XD

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Taylor's Trip..

Dont have time to write in details coz people keep bugging me!!Anyway the pics are act terbalik..So the first pic is supp 2 b starting from Brenda's emo face and the last 1 is the candid... My personal favourite = now u see alice, now u dont!!

It was supposed 2 be candid part ii !!

candid part i

Ching Yie and Alice

Lum and sabrina

Elena and jia huey

Tien-yi=she's a camera-shy girl!!

My face was blocked thanks to alice!!

Elena immitating a panda ..Err, i think so.not quite sure act.

Sam and Jia huey



Ching Yie and shu/sher anne

Janne and Ching Yie

took this pic after we went down from the bus.

Sorry, i missed this Bren's pic earlier!!

We are from Batai!!(?)


After getting down the bus...

Matthew and Boey's hand..

Pri and shu/sher anne..Bumpy roads not really clear the pic.

Alice, Sabrina, Lum and Pri..

'Say marsmallow'-Sam

Group photo

A moment in Taylor's

Student central

A row of pc

urm alice..Cant really get what u snap..


They got a hang out place!!How cool is that??!!

Lum and I being v. hulu about the vending machine..

Inside the theater hall.Part ii

Part i

my hair and the rest of them..

Pn Ong..the first person that act did the gratitude dance..

TWo prefects and two norms..


Brenda and Alice..Owh and Janne's spectacles..

OTW 2 Taylor's

Lum posing with ipod!!

Follow your dreams!!!!!

Engrossed much??!!
Tried 2 take the whole row but turned out 2 be Kwok Keat's nd Fei Shen's face..

Lum and my writing!!She was holding the name list and tried 2 cover her face

Front seat!! usual?
So, that's about it i guess...Act i cut a few pics coz its damn a lot and mostly the same pose..

Was in rush taking this pic..Thank god its okaaay..!!

-Sabrina! xD-